Being involved in a house assembly, playing in a concert, taking part in a learning challenge or representing the school in a sports fixture – our days are packed with opportunities to go beyond the classroom and into new areas of discovery.
Knowing each individual child
We want our pupils to be confident and to have the courage to step outside their comfort zone. To do that they need to be happy and secure which is why we make their well-being our highest priority.
As we really know our pupils, we can spot if someone needs a bit of extra support or is ready for a new challenge.
Connecting home and school
Strong partnerships between home and school complete the picture. Apart from the usual evenings and open days, parents are encouraged to involve themselves in all aspects of school life.
Whether that means joining the audience when their child is acting or making music, helping with a trip or talking over concerns and opportunities with a form teacher.
What do our children think?
What’s the best thing about life at Junior School Fitzwilliam Building? Our children would probably say their friends. The joy of working together, playing with each other or just hanging out over a hot chocolate at breakfast – it’s what school life’s all about.