Sticks and Stones
By Zara
By Zara
By Yush
By Felix
By Zoe
Join Principal Tricia Kelleher as she speaks to writer and speaker Natasha Devon, about eco-anxiety and mental health.
Almudena from Year 13 took part in the Open Dutch Nationals in December, obtaining two personal bests. She competed in finals against Olympians such as Ranomi Kromowidjodjo and Femke Heemskerk.
Join Principal Tricia Kelleher as she chats to our Head of History about her experiences teaching in America.
As part of Bidwells 180th anniversary this year, the Bidwells Project Management team attempted a challenge to climb 180 storeys in one day across buildings they had delivered from Chelmsford to Cambridge.
Follow the links below to read the school newsletters sent to parents on Friday 13 December 2019.
Well done to all of the entrants of our Digital Christmas Card Competition, we had over 30 entries!
Join Principal Tricia Kelleher as she chats to our Head of Early Years Mrs Sarah Holyoake about our new Stephen Perse Nurseries, and nurturing personality in babies.
On Monday 9 December 2019, our year 7 french groups took part in a French workshop called Les Trois Mousquetaires (The three musketeers).
On Tuesday 10 December, 30 students from Years 10 and 11 attended a Maths Inspiration lecture held at West Road Concert Hall.
The children in early years worked tirelessly to put together a brilliant nativity production called ‘Mary’s knitting’, about a lady called Mary who needed to knit a blanket for baby Jesus - but would the blanket be ready in time?
I’m not sure that St Nikolaus found his way to Rosedale House on 6 December, but the year 6 pupils did discover quite a lot about German as well as Chinese culture during their Language Taster Day.
This term, we have been very fortunate in welcoming two parents of pupils to deliver lunchtime InspireMe talks about what they do in their professions and provide our children with ideas for what they might want to do in their future careers. The talks have been varied and have clearly struck a chord here in Rosedale House, as evidenced by the large number of pupils who have attended so far.
Year 5 brought their theme - Crime and Punishment through the ages - to a brilliant close this week, with a visit from our local police officers.
5 Alpha have recently presented two class assemblies that have focused on issues important to them.
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