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Published on 27/04/16

Do you want a fun packed summer and develop loads of valuable skills?logo.png Then sign up for National Citizen Service! 
The course runs over four weeks this summer; spend a week doing outdoor activities such as abseiling, canoeing and rock climbing in the first week, then spend the second week in university accommodation learning some essential life skills such as finance management. In the third and fourth weeks you run your own social action project - make a difference in your community by holding a charity event or by raising awareness of an issue of local concern.

Some quotes from members of college who went on the course last summer:

"Our social action project was a charity quiz for CamSight, a charity for the visually impaired. We really had to work as a team to pull the event off, I became more comfortable as a leader and more confident in contacting local people whether it was to find donations from businesses or talking to members of the public to spread awareness about our cause."

"My group was amazing, we had so much fun! I'm still in touch with the friends I made in the summer"

"My favourite part was the second week, when we stayed at the university, we had to cook for ourselves which was actually really fun!"

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